Welcome to the home of engenetics.org, the original, safe, effective and scientifically proven Mental System™ previously available exclusively only to European Kelvinists!
At engenetics.org, our mission is very simple: To use science to improve the physical and mental well-being of all humanity.
engenetics.org is the result of decades of research by Dr. M. E. Tabyánan. The Doctor has worked tirelessly through the years to perfect key concepts that optimize the world-view of engenetics.org practitioners. Through superreengineering, The Doctor has developed a safe, proven Mental System™ that has been shown to improve the lives of its practitioners.
Here you, too, can learn:
- The Secret to pinpointing your Heisenberg centers!
- The Key to controlling your personal entropic resonances!
- The Synergism of global macro- and personal micro-events!
- The Kinetics of Socio-Economic Integration!
- The Importance of the coming Singularity!
This website is the premier–and only officially authorized–collection of the works by The Doctor. Accept no imitations!
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