This month’s Ask The Doctor delves into complex issues such as emotions, the Singularity and potential energy.

Question: So are my emotions in any given situation predictable? Chris Alandro, Miami FL
The Doctor: Yes! While predicting emotions is an extremely computational-heavy process, they can be predicted using supercomputers and data measurements. As with all important measurements of psychic energy, pinpointing the Heisenberg center is the key to accomplishing this.

Question: What is the Omega Point? Alice Raceway, New York
The Doctor: The Omega Point is the actual point in time that the Singularity occurs. In reality, this the Singularity is more of a process that will occur over a period of months, rather than instantaneously.

Question: How is my quantum level related to my potential energy? Cynthia Evans, Little Rock AR
The Doctor: Great question, Cynthia! Your quantum levels effectively drive your potential energy. What happens is that your potential energy is directly related to the psychic energy found in your quantum levels. What you must understand is that these two are tied together by the entropic resonances of the individual in question. It is this flow of energy that allows the individual to affect the world around them.

Question: So, are changes in world events tied to simple population growth? Hellen Jones, Belfast Ireland
The Doctor: Indirectly. As populations grow, there is more energy that is fueling the entropic energy collective. With that said, keep in mind that the energy in the collective is constantly being drained by the present, past and future. The instantaneous level of energy in the collective affects the world events at that time, much like the slope of a curve is a measure of the rate of change in that curve at that exact point.

Question: Can predict the future? David Free, Perth Australia
The Doctor: We’re working on that. In our research and experiments, we see flashes of what will be truly monumental leaps in scientific understanding about time, humanity and the ability to predict future events. Still, that is a huge task that we are just now beginning to truly understand.