This month’s Ask The Doctor continues to probe vital questions about the Singularity, potential energy, personal firewalls–and more!

Question: What is the Singularity, and how will it affect me? Amanda Ngyuen, Dallas TX
The Doctor: The Singularity is a coming event, where humanity will experience a radical explosion in technological development that will occur in a very short period of time. This will be caused by a convergence of a number of technologies, including materials sciences, computer science, biological sciences and psychological sciences.

What many do not yet grasp is the impact the Singularity will have on humanity, both culturally and economically. This where can help. Contact your local representative today to learn how we can help you prepare for the future–today!

Question: Why are entropic resonances important? Candice Lopez, San Diego CA
The Doctor: Entropic resonances are the vehicle by which psychic energy is transferred between individuals, both singly and as a group. Entropic resonances also transfer energy through time, past and future. Not only energy can be transferred, but also information. In some instances, xenharmonic frequencies occur causing what is known as quantum entanglements. "QEs" as they are known, can be positive or negative, with the appropriate impacts to the relationship.

Question: How can I maximize my potential energy? Jake Collins, London England
The Doctor: Excellent question! An individual’s potential energy is influenced by many factors, most particularly by social interactions. The most important means an individual can use to maximize their potential energy is to volunteer. Whether by donating money or especially time to their local community, individuals can make significant improvements in their potential energy. Of course, donating to is the best way maximize and individual’s potential energy.

Question: People bother me. Can my personal firewall help me get used to that? Scott Walker, New York NY
The Doctor: An individual’s personal firewall is a critical component in their mental health and stability. By filtering the psychic quantum energy that is passed between individuals, personal firewalls allow positive energy to be exchanged while blocking negative energy. Personal firewalls operate in a number of ways, and require constant monitoring to maintain their psychic defenses. By following the principles of, individuals can learn to control the influences of others on their emotions–and their reactions.

Question: With the rising cost of gas, I feel like my life is out of control. What can I do to bring my future back into my own hands? Wally Ham, Oklahoma City OK
The Doctor: Many people fear the future, and the loss of control they feel it brings. It does not need to be that way. The absolute best way to embrace the future–and to take ownership of it–is to come to the Center and join the community. By learning about the sciences involved with the future, including the work in superreengineering, individuals can learn what the future holds and where they fit into it. With knowledge comes power–and also understanding.