This month’s Ask The Doctor deals with a variety of topics, from entropic resonances, to smart drugs–and beyond!
Question: Is the wave of optimism from the inauguration of Jo Biden related to entropic resonances, or is he really all that? Joshua Killdare, Dallas TX
The Doctor: While I cannot take away anything from the distinguished and newly-elected president, I think the evidence is clear: much of what we see today is the result of entropic resonances, localized within this time period.
While the entropic energy collective as a whole may exhibit exponential growth over time as the human population expands, what we have seen in the last few months can only be the result of energy that is being transferred between individuals in a self-sustaining reaction. There can be no other explanation.
Question: I am taking classes to learn to control my personal firewall. What else can I do? Erica Freihoff, Pittsburg PA
The Doctor: Great question, Erica. The first thing you can do is work with your local representative to volunteer your time within your community. This will raise your potential energy quite rapidly. This spike, coupled with your education in controlling your personal firewall will allow your to improve your life dramatically.
Question: Will smart drugs help me control my future? Terrance Coates, Kansas City MO
The Doctor: Only to a limited degree, Terrance. Keep in mind that nootropics, or smart drugs, will only allow the human mind to process information better. If there is no information available–or the wrong information–nootropics could have a detrimental effect instead of beneficial.
The best way to control your future is through continued practices of the practices and principles supported by legal nootropics.
Question: What is my place in the post-oil world? Larry Brown, Los Angeles CA
The Doctor: Dang good question, Larry. In a broad way, your personal place in the post-oil world depends on your individual circumstances. In particular, it depends on your potential energy. Your potential energy determines your interpersonal energies, if you will, between yourself and those around you. You must work to maximize this potential energy at all costs. See my published works for ways to do this.
Question: Is the current economic crisis related to the Singularity? Juan Hernandez, San Diego CA
The Doctor: Not directly. Juan. It is related to the entropic energy collective, though. The sum totality of the entropic resonances that humanity exhibits between the present and the future results in a net loss of psychic energy.
This loss is manifested in the stress and emotional turmoil of the current troubles. In other words, the economic problems were not caused by entropic resonances, but rather the energy loss of the entropic resonances were caused by the economic events–and therefore were predicted by myself.