This month’s Ask The Doctor answers critical questions about smart drugs, sexual relationships and social integration. All very important!

Question: Are smart drugs harmful? Kerry Malachy, Pittsburg PA
The Doctor: Generally, no. Nootropics, as smart drugs are known as, actually improve cognitive abilities by allowing the individual to improve their ability to focus on their Heisenberg center, thus strengthening their personal firewall. As with any medication, care must be taken before use. Consult your physician for more information, and don’t forget to tell them The Doctor sent you!

Question: Is sex bad? I would hate that! Ginger Lockwood, Los Angeles CA
The Doctor: Sex is actually great! Not only does it propagate our species, but it is also a very pleasurable and intimate physical act. Care must be taken, however, because such intimacy leads to stronger probabilities of quantum entanglements. While +QEs are beneficial to the individual’s psychic well-being, -QEs are definitely to be avoided at all costs. I recommend that you come to the Center for personal training to ensure that you do not develop -QEs.

Question: I have always felt like an outsider. How do I improve my socio-economic integration? Ned Green, Mobile AL
The Doctor: Excellent question, Ned! Socio-economic integration can be improved by many means, but the most beneficial is through volunteer work in your community. Donations of money and time to those less fortunate than yourself will pay high rewards in entropic resonance energies. Not to mention the fact that you will meet many other like-minded individuals and become part of a larger community.

Question: How does the collective unconscious fit in with Eddie Long, Seattle WA
The Doctor: The work we do at the Center is critical for understanding the entropic energy collective, which is the real phenomenon that can mistakenly be called the collective unconscious. At, skills are learned to allow the individual to tap into these energies, for personal use and higher education through the information learned from the collective. In a nutshell, is truly the basic fundamental source of scientific knowledge about such global phenomena.

Question: My family always seems to be fighting. Can I fix that? Terri Gold, Tulsa OK
The Doctor: Families are tough nuts to crack. The difficulty is the balance between positive quantum entanglements and negative ones. A much more important question is the degree of fighting your family engages in. Domestic violence cannot be tolerated, and if this is the case, I urge you to seek counseling immediately.