This quarter’s Ask The Doctor answers important questions about interpersonal relationships, their causes and other aspects of life.

Question: What can I do to weather these tough economic times? Tom Long, Phoenix AZ
The Doctor: Tom, that is the paramount question of the times. No matter what your personal economic situation, a strong personal firewall is critical, along with the skills to tap into the entropic energy collective. These two abilities will allow you to block negative energy–and retain your own positive energy from those who would drain it from you–and to tap into the vast pool of energy that exists around the world. To learn these skills, I suggest you contact your local representative today for classes.

Question: I changed my hairstyle and now I feel completely different. Is that a form of entropic resonance at work? Kim Gerry, Norman OK
The Doctor: In a way. Sometimes changing a major aspect of yourself, Kim, allows you to tap into the entropic energy collective in ways that were previously unavailable. This change in your quantum energy state will definitely affect how you ‘feel.’ I suggest you come in to The Center for more personal examination.

Question: There are some people I feel an instant connection to. Why don’t they feel the same way? John Terrington, Austin TX
The Doctor: There may be many reasons for this, John. It sounds like this may be a special case of quantum entanglements where the energy flow is in one direction only. In that case, you would what is termed an "energy sink," where one individual drains psychic energy from others. Another possibility is that you are just a loon.

Question: If I improve my personal firewall, will it help the rest of my family? Grant Black, Tampa Bay FL
The Doctor: Of course it will, Grant. A person’s personal firewall is a critical component in their ability to control the psychic energy around them. Not only will this help you block negative energy from your family members, but it will also help you support them by providing positive energy in return. Great question.

Question: I don’t seem to really know the people around me. Can help? Alice Raceway, New York NY
The Doctor: Absolutely, Alice. It sounds like you are suffering from a classic break in entropic resonances from your surroundings. A great first step for you would be to volunteer at your local church or homeless shelter. By giving your time, you connect with others. This will provide a firm establishment of psychic energy bonds between you and the people around you. For more advanced steps, see my published works.