This month’s Ask The Doctor exposes the answers to questions about quantum entanglements, seeing the future and dealing with the media.

Question: Can you tell me why I feel so run down all the time? It’s like I keep falling down.Hans Gruber, Berlin Germany
The Doctor: I would guess that you have a strong quantum entanglement that is robbing you of positive energy. Barring any significant physical ailments, -QEs are the largest single contributor to low energy levels in individuals. A question worth asking is do you have someone you currently feel anger or other strong emotions towards, say a professional adversary? If you do, that is a sure sign of a negative quantum entanglement.

Question: What is the difference between magnetic dipoles and magnetic tripoles? Jeremy Strong, New York NY
The Doctor: Good question, Jeremy. The key difference is the fourth dimensional time component in magnetic tripoles. Ordinary inanimate objects have what is commonly known as magnetic dipoles, with the north and south component. Research has found, though, that living cells generate a third field–the tripole–that fluctuates through time. This third pole affects the individual’s psychic quantum levels, and therefore their moods and emotional states. Again–good question.

Question: Can I see the future with Cynthia Evans, Provo UT
The Doctor: Possibly. Many aspects of the paranormal can be explained through the principles of One example is what is known as clairvoyance, or precognition. It is a fact that entropic resonances both transfer energy through time and can carry information based on spin behavior.

With that said, it is extremely difficult to access this information with the conscious mind and interpret it correctly without the use of advanced supercomputers. This capability is something that we at the Center for Studies have just begun to get a handle on. So my answer is yes it is possible, but without training in it is doubtful.

Question: How can I incorporate your principles in my daily life? Andy Hale, London England
The Doctor: Excellent question! The first and foremost method you can utilize is to leverage the teachings of to focus on your Heisenberg center to strengthen your personal firewall.

That will help improve your daily life and allow you to live healthier and happier. Another prime way to incorporate my principles is to volunteer in your community. This act will help maximize your potential energy like nothing else. For more information, please feel free to read my published works.

Question: Why does the media not spread your message of hope and empowerment? Hank Flood, Norman OK
The Doctor: Jealousy. Fear. Greed. These are just a few of the reasons why the mainstream media refuses to accept and spread the message of With only a few important exceptions, the mainstream media has chosen time and again to report only on the negative views and outright lies about our scientific findings–and our community.

Too many so-called unbiased media organs have chosen to accept and rely on the cash of people and agencies that have vested interests in the current status quo, and not in effecting any serious change for the better in our world. They also fear what they do not understand, which has been a typical reaction by humanity throughout history. In the end, the future will prove me right, with our actions to bring about the Singularity our final statement.