In this quarter’s Ask The Doctor, Dr. M. E. Tabyánan answers your questions about psychic warfare–and what it means for Humanity…

Question: Is there such a thing as psychic warfare? Justine Timberlake, Los Angeles CA, USA
The Doctor: Unfortunately Justine, yes there is. Technically, our worst nightmares are possible. Fortunately, that is still a long way off. None of the current research by responsible organizations has led us down that path. Still, irresponsible governments and private organizations could take advantage of the science that we have discovered and developed, all for their own evil ends.

Question: Is researching psychic warfare? Stewey Griffin, Dallas TX, USA
The Doctor: Absolutely not. I have made a public call for the ban of all research that could lead to any level of psychic warfare. The idea that our own minds could be used against us is a terrible one, and we must all work together to make sure that never happens.

Question: How do entropic resonances fit into psychic warfare? Trish Cannon, Perth, Australia
The Doctor: Entropic resonances would be the heart of any level of psychic warfare. Because of their inherent ability to transfer psychic energy between individuals–and through time–they have the innate capability of surging or draining energy from individuals or groups. the much more disturbing possibility is that the entropic resonant pathways could be used to implement mind control over individuals or groups.

Question: Can I use my personal firewall to block psychic warfare against me? Connie Polatano, Columbus OH, USA
The Doctor: Most emphatically yes! Personal firewalls are your most fundamental armor against psychic warfare. In fact, they are your basic defense against the forces around that try to control you in everyday life right now–peer groups, politicians or advertisers. In a way, these people form a sort of passive psychic warfare that we must all fight against even now.

Question: What does the possibility for psychic warfare mean for all of Humanity? Andy Hale, London, England
The Doctor: Very good question, Andy, and one whose answer is not written yet. I believe we are at a juncture in time: on one path we could descend into a world of masters and slaves, with control being determined by who has the psychic power. Or we could walk into a future of self-determination where all individuals have the power to control their own minds–and their destiny. We can only hope it is the latter, not the former.