This month’s Ask The Doctor tackles thorny questions about quantum entanglements, the entropic energy collective and superreengineering.

Question: Why do I feel so drawn to some people, such as yourself, Dr. Tabyánan? Betty Johnson, Des Moises IA
The Doctor: Many people experience this feeling, not only with myself, but with others as well. What many consider as "magnetic personalities" in reality are certain manifestations of quantum entanglements. Certain individuals have a very strong flux density of their magnetic tripoles, which can cause spikes in their apparent potential energy levels. When combined with other individuals with certain quantum energy levels, these attractions will almost certainly occur. Plus that, I’m just so darn cute.

Question: I feel like I am in such a destructive relationship. How do I get out of it? Isabella Singletary, Rome Italy
The Doctor: How to limiting the destructive effects of negative quantum entanglements or break them altogether is a critical question for everyone. To boil a very complex scientific solution to a basic level, the bottom line is that you must improve your personal firewall by increasing your focus on your Heisenberg center. Doing this will reduce the effect of entropic resonances on your quantum levels, allowing you to break free of your -QEs. The best way to learn to do this is to contact your local representative as soon as possible. We will be more than happy to help you learn more.

Question: Why is the government hiding the truth about the entropic energy collective? Josh Adams, Denver CO
The Doctor: Money. Big money. The entire world economy is entrenched in fossil fuels. Any change from that paradigm–even one as significant for our future as this–is seen as a threat. What everyone must understand is that this, too, will pass as the Singularity gathers momentum. Any paradigm shift meets a certain level of resistance before final acceptance. In the coming years, have no fear… the entropic energy collective will be embraced by everyone, worldwide.

Question: How do I fight groupthink in my own life? Laura Youngblood, Washington D. C.
The Doctor: There are many ways to fight groupthink, most notably by improving your personal firewall. Groupthink in a daily context is closely related to propaganda, both in implementation and effects. Strong personal firewalls help an individual fight communication hijacking attacks on your consciousness. In effect, advertisers and political propagandists flood individual’s quantum levels with their own energy at particular wavelengths, designed to cause spikes in the psychic energy of the group–which leads to quantum entanglements. By strengthening your personal firewall, this energy is damped or blocked altogether. To learn more, contact your local representative today.

Question: What is the difference between genetic engineering and superreengineering? Nick Friedland, Tampa FL
The Doctor: Genetic engineering is a subset of superreengineering. While genetic engineering deals with a broad range of alterations to various living organisms, including humans, it is primarily concerned with only the physical aspects of biology. Superreengineering, on the other hand, deals less with organisms other than humans, and embraces the much wider scope of all aspects of preparing humanity for the future. This includes psychological, cultural and social aspects as well. Remember: to take humanity beyond the next level–past the Transhuman stage–we must look to the Future!