In this edition of Ask The Doctor, Dr. M. E. Tabyánan answers questions about mental stability and other psychosis.

Question: What is the link between the Singularity and insanity? Casey Dixon, Arkham MA, USA
The Doctor: Many sources of insanity can be found in large psychic energy spikes. This will happen on a massive scale as we approach the Singularity. Great care must be taken to avoid what will inevitably be a large upswing of insanity cases.

Question: I think my wife is crazy. Am I wrong? Christopher Smith, Houston TX, USA
The Doctor: Maybe, maybe not. First, you need to bring your wife to the Center for more in-depth testing. Do you have a current picture of her?

Question: Doctor, I am afraid that my feelings for you will drive me to do something dangerous. What can I do to stop them? Elizabeth Lewis, Norman OK, USA
The Doctor: Elizabeth, you are suffering from a quantum entanglement, driven by a magnetic personality. This is quite understandable. I do believe you need professional help, so I urge you to come to the Center for treatment.

Question: The latest bickering on Capitol Hill seems endless. Can help? William Reed, Los Angeles CA, USA
The Doctor: Absolutely. The politicians on Capitol Hill are individuals who have both fallen into groupthink but also become victim to negative quantum entanglements. can train all of the politicians and their staff to break those bonds and work hard for the ultimate priority: achieving the Singularity.

Question: Is my normal doctor OK to use? Will he heal me the way you do? Scott King, Boston MA, USA
The Doctor: That depends, Scott. Normal doctors are great for healing the body. is the perfect solution for healing your mind. Do not listen to any other doctor where that is concerned.