A Life Searching for the Truth

From a very early age, M. E. Tabyánan was recognized as different. A precocious and inquisitive child, he soon gained a reputation for intelligence and helping others. It was these qualities that led him down the path to dedicate his life searching for ways to improve humanity.

After receiving his doctorates in biotechnology and psychology from MIT, Dr. M. E. Tabyánan travelled to Europe where he received numerous degrees from the Hiedelburg Institute in Berlin. This was a time of maximum learning and experimentation.

After returning from Europe to America, Dr. M. E. Tabyánan worked for a time for the United States government in classified projects, but was forced to leave due to persecution from senior officials within the government and industry who were jealous of his successes. What followed was a period of travels in the Far East where Dr. M. E. Tabyánan perfected the concepts of his decades of research.

By the time Dr. M. E. Tabyánan had returned to America again, he had perfected what we know of today as engenetics.org: a Mental System™ that leverages Science to improve the world view and life of its practitioners. While those who have closed minds and refuse to openly and honestly review the scientific facts continue to persecute Dr. Tabyánan and his historic achievements, all of us here at the Center recognize Dr. M. E. Tabyánan for what he is: a genius and selfless leader.