In this edition of The Doctor’s Notes, he delves into the disturbing prospect of increased abnormal behavior as we approach the Singularity.

As Humanity approaches this critical milestone, psychic energy from entropic resonances will increase exponentially, from present individual interactions as well as past/future sources. This energy will be bound up in the entropic energy collective–and fluctuations in this energy source will lead to higher amounts of abnormal behavior in both individuals and groups.

Quantum Levels and Psychic Energy

Research has proven many times that human psychic energy exists in discrete bands, known as quantum levels. An individual’s quantum levels have many influences on them, from what is perceived as moods to conscious thought patterns.

An individual’s quantum levels have many influences on them, from what is perceived as moods to conscious thought patterns.

The energy in individuals’ quantum levels can be transferred to others around them, and back and forth through time. This energy transfer is known as entropic resonances, and has a profound impact on individuals in particular and Humanity as a whole.

The Entropic Energy Collective

One key function entropic resonances perform is to bind all of us to the vast pool of psychic energy known as the entropic energy collective. These bonds not only tie us to each other in the present, but also to the past and the future.

The effects of entropic resonances and the entropic energy collective cannot be underestimated. Entropic resonances are the source of phenomena such as the energy transfer mechanism for quantum entanglements as well as more esoteric ones such as paranormal events and even dreams.

The Entropic Resonance Bond

To explain further, in simple terms, the entropic energy collective is a summation of entropic resonance energy across a given population as a whole. These entropic resonances not only transfer psychic energy back and forth between individuals, but also form a strong bond that ties all of them together.

…the energy bonds from the entropic energy collective are critical in understanding–and predicting–human behavior.

These psychic bonds influence how people act and react because of their impact on the individuals’ quantum levels. By changing energy states in their quantum levels, the energy bonds from the entropic energy collective are critical in understanding–and predicting–human behavior.

Increased Energy From the Singularity

What does this have to do with the Singularity? A great deal. All of the predictive models at the Center for Studies conclusively show that the entropic energy collective energies will grow exponentially as the Singularity approaches. This fits closely with our predictive theory that significant events in human history see increased psychic energy.

What our predictive models also show is that the energy curve is not a smooth one. As the fidelity of the model increases, you start to see short-lived spikes and troughs in the energy levels. These perturbations in the energy curve are critical to understanding–and predicting–the behavior of individuals and groups.

Perturbations in the Entropic Energy Collective…

The perturbations that are even now starting to be seen as we approach the Singularity are in fact the anchor points of entropic resonances to specific individuals. We know this from measurements of psychic energy during important events during test subjects lives.

The crucial question that this fact brings up is how to prevent these abnormal behavioral occurrences.

When these entropic resonances display a significant drop in energy, the effects on the quantum levels of the affected individual can be severe. Not only is it difficult to model and predict which individual will be affected by a given energy fluctuation, but it is difficult to determine the true impact on their quantum levels.

…Increases In Abnormal Behavior

What we do know is that an increasing number of occurrences in abnormal behavior at the individual level and also at the group level have been seen. These occurrences are due to the entropic resonance spikes in the energy wave of the entropic energy collection. Experiments at the Center during 2003-2005 conclusively proved this.

The crucial question that this fact brings up is how to prevent these abnormal behavioral occurrences. The core of the answer lies in the individual personal firewall. By pinpointing Heisenberg centers, individuals can manipulate their personal firewalls to prevent adverse effects from these negative entropic resonances.

How to do this is the topic for another discussion…

What Can You Do?

But what can you do to improve your life and prevent this negative energy from affecting you? Plenty. Continued research and experimental documentation is required to improve our models and learn how to more effectively train individuals to maximize their potential energy. This research requires continued support from concerned individuals such as yourself.

Contact your local representative today to learn what you can do. Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies