This edition of The Doctor’s Notes deals with an issue that everyone instinctively feels, but few truly master: living in a complex, chaotic world.

Complexity is a natural product of the modern world–it is even required to achieve the Singularity. But there is a cost, however, and the stress of dealing with a complex world must be dealt with in order to maintain proper mental and physical health.

The World Is Complex

Everyone understands this. Children learn very early that things are just not as simple as they want them to be. From world geopolitics to one’s work environment to one’s family life, relationships are not just complex–they are chaotic and hard to understand, much less control.

In order to understand this complex chaos, one must see the full panorama of complexity. This starts with the cosmic view of the universe, and then scopes down to that of this planet. From there, one can see all of the synergism and inter-connectivity between the global macro and personal micro-events. The complex relationships between the individual and those around them–and through time–are extremely difficult to conceptualize.

This stress, consciously and unconsciously, drains psychic energy from the individual causing measurable negative impacts on the body and mind.

Unfortunately, with this complexity comes stress. Lots of it. And that affects our psychological, physiological and most importantly, our psychic health. Each individual has an enormous amount of stress that is a by-product of the complexity of the world. This stress, consciously and unconsciously, drains psychic energy from the individual causing measurable negative impacts on the body and mind.

The Complexity of Information

At the root of all of this complexity lies information. Complexity implies knowledge, and knowledge implies action. It is this implied required action that leads to the stress. It has been demonstrated that the human mind perceives information as a request for action–and it is this request that comes into conflict with that vast amounts of other information that surrounds the individual.

It is this conflict, this stress raiser, that leads to the drain on psychic energy. When the human mind is faced with conflicting actions, it continues to process the conflict even after it has consciously chosen a course of action. This continued processing, if you will, acts as a psychic energy sink leading to lower energy levels while distracting the conscious mind.

Goodinfo–Or Bad?

But one question that must be asked is this: is the information that the mind is processing goodinfo or badinfo? While the argument has been put forth by Johnson (2008) that all info in this context is "bad," the reality is that badinfo is far more detrimental than goodinfo.

…is the information that the mind is processing goodinfo or badinfo?

Goodinfo is information that is transferred with high fidelity by means of entropic resonances. Badinfo is information that is transferred with low fidelity. In other words, was the information received completely and was it accurate? Obviously this question has a huge impact on the ability of the individual’s mind to process it.

Badinfo places unacceptable stressors on the human mind, needlessly. If the information was not transferred completely and accurately, the processing that that the mind must perform drains psychic energy at an abnormally high rate. This leads to lower mental health levels and even psychosis.

Feedback Systems Are Critical

So how does the individual deal with the glut of information bombarding them in the complex, chaotic world? The answer is simple, yet difficult to master–one must implement a feedback system by way of the personal firewall.

The information that is transferred through entropic resonances to and from the world around the individual can only be controlled by one’s personal firewall, and it requires some mechanism to control the complexity information.

Once that feedback system is in place, it is merely a matter of conditioning the human mind to gravitate towards goodinfo and to filter out badinfo. This will help lower the amount of information that the mind must deal with–and continue to process when conflicts arise.

Minimize Value Destroying Entities

The next step is to identify what are known as value destroying entities. These are people or things in one’s surrounding environment that actively seek to increase the amount of badinfo or other complexity-risers. VDEs must be ruthlessly sought out and removed. This cannot be understated. Whether they are people, situations, jobs–it does not matter.

As the number of VDEs and badinfo decreases, the perceived complexity of the environment will also be lowered. The individual’s mind will be clearer and able to focus on the task at hand more easily. This will also have health benefits as well. So obviously, lowering one’s complexity through the use of personal firewalls is critical to us all.

Additional Research is Required

While great strides have been made in understanding the effects of complexity on the individual mind and body, there is still a great amount of work to be done. Please, contact your local representative today to see what you can do to help. Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies