This issue of The Doctor’s Notes deals with the connections between and the paranormal.

While true scientific treatment of the so-called "paranormal" has historically met with disdain by the scientific community (and rightfully so) the technologies developed by do explain some of the phenomena.

Information Transmitted Through Unknown Means

The foundation for much of the paranormal is what is known as "anomalous cognition." This is simply information transmitted by an unknown means. Examples abound through the scientific literature and popular press of instances of telepathy, mind-travelling, etc.

While fanciful sounding (and selling a lot of books and movies) these phenomena have a very practical basis: quantum entanglements. The basic interplay of the psychic quantum energy levels between individuals can result in information being transferred–transmitted–between them.

While the exact mechanism for this transmission of information between energy levels is not fully understood, evidence has been documented to show that it does take place. Much has been made extreme examples of this phenomena, but things as simple as couples "knowing what the other is thinking" or parents knowing that their children are misbehaving without seeing them are prime examples as well.

While these experiments have been difficult to reproduce, a growing number of scientists are reaching the conclusion that there is a significant basis for this line of research.

In a similar fashion, the phenomena of "auras" is also explainable. What are interpreted as auras are merely the physical manifestations of quantum energies. Yang, Shelby and Zsu demonstrated during experiments in 1972 that certain levels of psychic quantum energy can be visible to individuals with a distinct genetic mutation.

While these experiments have been difficult to reproduce, a growing number of scientists are reaching the conclusion that there is a significant basis for this line of research. The most interesting aspect of the previously mentioned experiments (and the least discussed) is that the quantum energy levels viewed display direct correlation to the individual’s mood.

For more information about how manipulate quantum energy levels, and therefore the aura, see my published works.

The third and final paranormal phenomena that can be explained through is that of clairvoyance. By definition, clairvoyance is the viewing or knowledge of events that will occur in the future, in the present–in short, foreknowledge.

One of the cornerstones of–and its most controversial–is that of entropic resonances. As you will remember, entropic resonances are the fluctuations in energy levels between psychic elements such as the id and ego. What has been found, though, is that these energy fluctuations are also temporal: energy fluctuates from events in the individual’s pas as well as the future.

The Bridge Between the Known and the Unknown

It is this resonation of energy in different temporal periods, coupled with the ability to transmit information through quantum entanglements, that allows certain individuals to "see the future." In reality, the evidence shows that the information transmitted is actually pretty basic–the human mind fills in the gaps.

What these similarities mean is that the technologies being developed by, while grounded in pure science, are bridging the gap to the paranormal.

What these similarities mean is that the technologies being developed by, while grounded in pure science, are bridging the gap to the paranormal.

What in the past has been seen as witchcraft and superstition are actually scientific phenomena that can be quantified and predicted. Like most myths, there has always been a kernel of truth to the legend.

Research Is Needed

In all, these correlations between paranormal phenomena and research have not been discovered overnight. It has only been through years of dedicated research that we have come so far. We are very close to a number of significant breakthroughs that will allow us to fully understand the exact dynamics of these technologies.

And continued research requires funding. I urge you to contact your local representative today in order to see what you can do to help.

Remember: in order to improve all of humanity, only you can help make the future a reality—today. Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies