This edition of The Doctor’s Notes covers an extremely critical subject to everyone: the economic collapse of 2008 and what it means to all of us.

The extraordinary events of 2008 seem so profound, particularly because everything seemed to happen very suddenly. In fact, though, the economic collapse was predicted by the computer models at the Center as early as 2000.

Due to the perturbations in the entropic energy collective, coupled with the information asymmetry found in economic models that simulated trends in the world economies, it was clear that some form of major collapse was going to occur between 2007 and 2009. Unfortunately for us all these predictions turned out to be true.

Trouble Seen On the Horizon

The conditions for the economic collapse were in place for a number of years before 2008. Beginning in the late 1990s, our economic models at the Center for Studies began to see disturbing trends in the levels of information asymmetry that were occurring in the global markets.

A small spike in the negative energy of the entropic energy collective foretold the so-called "dot-com" bubble bursting, but all models were indicating a much larger problem on the horizon.

Beginning in the late 1990s, our economic models at the Center for Studies began to see disturbing trends in the levels of information asymmetry that were occurring in the global markets.

It was in 2000 that our computer models had enough confidence to predict a major economic collapse by the end of the decade. The econometrics that measured the perceived levels of groupthink had reached levels that were the highest in 20 years.

At the same time, a huge spike in negative energy was detected in the entropic energy collective that has not been seen since the Great Depression. The results of these investigations were documented in my 2001 book, Entropic Resonances and Economic Theory and further in my book, Nonlinear Anti-Consumerism and the Threat of Groupthink. Something bad was definitely on the horizon–and soon.

Groupthink, Information Asymmetry To Blame

What this research has shown is that a high level of groupthink was occurring, being caused in the world population by information asymmetry. Information asymmetry is where one side of any exchange has more critical knowledge about the exchange than the other. In this case, you had a small number of people who had knowledge about the mortgage market and just how bad a large number of these loans were.

This information was withheld from the larger population, resulting in a mass behavior that inflated the perceived value of properties and stocks based on them. All of this because the wider population was prevented from making intelligent, informed decisions.

This skewing of the information economics was made worse by the inability of the population to retaliate properly against the enablers of the information asymmetry and the resulting groupthink. Only after the collapse was in full swing did the governments of the world step in to take action. By then it was far too late.

It must be noted that not only were the economic indicators showing there was major trouble on the horizon, but measurable perturbations in the pool of psychic energy known as the entropic energy collective let me to determine that there were serious problems in the world population psychic health as well. Any time there are large spikes in negative energy in the entropic resonances that transfer energy through time, it is a very bad sign.

In the end, the only way to correct this dire situation is clear: A correction in the information asymmetry must take place. In order to make this happen, transparency in the market transactions must be put in place. This will result in the ability of the individual to correctly make informed decisions about the market and events in the world as a whole. This will in turn result in increased consumer confidence and therefore increased economic stability and output. Only with this ability in place will the world economies move forward out of this serious recession.

Hyperreality Is the Key

Please also keep in mind that another equally critical benefit of a correction in information asymmetry is that it will lead to a condition known as hyperreality.

Hyperreality is a significant paradigm shift in the perception of reality. It occurs at higher levels of technology, where the lines of virtual and "reality" blur. In fact, hyperreality is a critical condition for the Singularity to occur.

In fact, hyperreality is a critical condition for the Singularity to occur.

As humanity has moved into the Information Age, we have already started to see hyperreality occur, from video teleconferences to virtual reality simulations to grass-roots political campaigns such as Barack Obama’s.

It is this use of technology to insert the individual into the economic market process that will also lead to increased hyperreality. Hyperreality will reach its peak when the Singularity is achieved–in fact it is the foundation for how humanity will deal with the Singularity itself.

You see, all of these issues are facets of a larger question; they are the pieces in the puzzle of humanity adapting to the demands of technology–and transcending it. In the end, as painful in the short term as it is, all of the economic problems we face today and the technological solutions we must use to overcome them are signposts on the road to the Singularity. And that is exactly where humanity needs to go.

Only You Can Help

So, in order to fully understand exactly how these issues will affect humanity, and also how to guide the world population through these troubled times, further research is still needed, and that takes funding from members like you. At the Center for Studies, we have dedicated our lives to understanding these issues and how to overcome them.

Please, I urge you, contact your local representative today, to learn how you, too can help. Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies