This edition of The Doctor’s Notes deals with a growing trend in technology and interpersonal interaction: social websites.

Also leading to what has been called the "Cult of the Amateur" this trend has important implications for the future of Humanity, eventually leading to an acceleration towards the Singularity. The energy that drives these communications comes from entropic resonances.

The Internet Has Brought About Communication Like Never Before

Over the last two decades, the Internet has exploded as a means for communication between individuals on a scale never before seen in history. While print and video media have been capable of communicating with large populations since newspapers and television were invented, these forms of communication were centered around the paradigm of a small group of individuals communicating through push technology to the masses.

The Internet changed everything. With the rise of social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, not to mention millions of personal blogs and individual-driven websites, a much larger group of individuals can now communicate with that same population. Coupled with the ability to use the pull technology of the Internet and mobile technologies, individuals have far more options to receive information–and provide it.

As this trend has risen, we have also seen what has been called the "Cult of the Amateur," where individuals discuss topics and issues that they are not expert in. This has led many to question the effect of this communication on Humanity. In other words, instead of enlightening Humanity, there is just more noise to make sense from.

But what does that mean for the future? What does that mean for the Singularity? As will be made clear, instead of delaying it, this form of communication will actually accelerate the Singularity.

More People Communicating Means More Solutions

Studies have shown that when populations of individuals make decisions, they generally come to the best solution to problems. Even if individual solutions–taken by themselves, out of context–are incorrect, the overall summation of the solutions leads to an accurate solution.

Even if individual solutions… are incorrect, the overall summation of the solutions leads to an accurate solution.

How does this happen? How can a group with a mob mentality come up with the correct solution to a problem? The answer is deceptively sublime: the bell curve. Individuals may come up with solutions to problems that may be far off the mark, but taken as a whole the correct answer tends to be the one the most people identify.

This is critical: not only does a mass of individuals identify a particular solution, but they also arrive at the conclusion that the solution identified is the best one.

But how does this bell curve come about? What is the science behind the observation? Studies at the Center for Studies have shown that this summation of solutions, if you will, is actually brought about by the entropic resonances between the individuals in question. This connection occurs not just in the present but through time as well. In other words, one need not be present to win, so to speak.

The psychic energy–and information–that is transferred between the individuals allows the best solution to be identified because it will have the least amount of energy required to mentally resolve. As with anything in nature, systems always move towards the point of least energy, also known as equilibrium. Therefore, while more people can identify solutions to problems, the group as a whole will tend towards the best one as a matter of science.

The Best Solutions For Communications

With that fact in mind, the absurdity of the notion that information produced by large numbers of individuals is detrimental to Humanity is abundantly clear. While–admittedly–much of the information on the Internet now is absolute crap, there is also a wealth of critical "best solutions" out there as well. With more people developing solutions to problems, and with the entropic energy collective driving that development, more and more answers to problems will come out.

The problem with the Internet today is not that there is too much drivel, but that it is not easy to find those best solutions. That is the key problem that Humanity must provide a solution for in order for us to move towards the Singularity.

More Solutions Will Help Prepare Humanity

As this problem is solved, those best solutions will become self-evident. And the most critical problem that will have solutions found for it is that of achieving the Singularity. Far from obstructing Humanity, the sheer mass of communications will actually help Humanity prepare for the Singularity–and achieve it.

And the most critical component of these communications is the energy behind them: entropic resonances.

And the most critical component of these communications is the energy behind them: entropic resonances. This psychic energy permeates all Humanity, transferring information back and forth through the entropic energy collective.

Studies at the Center for have conclusively shown that the energy found in these communications and the information transferred the entropic energy collective are rapidly rising. This energy and information transfer will ultimately spike as the Singularity occurs.

What Will This Mean For Humanity?

This is the ultimate question that must be answered. At the Center for Studies, we have made huge strides in accomplishing this. Still, there is a long way to go.

Only with your help can this be done. We need your help to make this happen. Contact your local representative as soon as possible to see how. Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies