This issue of the The Doctor’s Notes probes a rather surreal issue: what has become known as the lucid dream state, or lucid dreaming. In order to understand lucid dreaming, one must first understand what dreams are and how they come about.

Throughout history dreams have played an important part in human culture and in social interactions. Dreams have been studied intensively during the last century, especially by psychologists and biologists. However, it was only with the advent of the discoveries of that dreams have unlocked their true secrets, including the phenomenon of the lucid dream state.

What is the Stuff of Dreams?

Dreams have been a significant part of the human experience for all of human history. Part of the power of dreams is their ability to seem life-like and surreal at the same time. From sexual romps to nightmares, from mundane interactions to perceived paranormal occurrences, dreams have a hold on the human mind like almost no other phenomena. But what is a dream, really? That is a question that has haunted humanity as long as we have had dreams.

…with the development of the Mental System™ of, the root cause of dreams began to be unlocked in the late 1980s…

Explanations for the causes of dreams have been as varied as the dreams themselves. Dreams have been described as messages from God, the psyche going mad or even a collective experience based on some unseen cause. In reality, none of these are true, of course, or accurate. But with the development of the Mental System™ of, the root cause of dreams began to be unlocked in the late 1980s, and more completely understood after the Millennium. The key to this understanding is the discovery of the power of entropic resonances.

Entropic Resonances Transfer Energy–And Information

As has been well established by the Center, entropic resonances are the vehicle for the transference of energy between individuals–and through time. This fact is extremely important when one considers that this energy transference behaves with relativistic-effects; that is, it contains properties of both particles and waves. As particles, these entropic resonances contain spin properties–and therefore information.

Most people understand dream analysis through the "science" of oneirology. From Freud to Jung to New Age clap trap, dream analysis has seen many attempts to bring the light of reason and science to the phenomenon of dreams. All of these attempts have met with failure… until now. By understanding that entropic resonances are the core underlying principle fueling dreams, has taken a quantum leap forward in explaining how and why these phenomenon occur and how to understand them.

Dreams occur as the mind transfers data from what can be thought of as temporary storage to long-term memory, a phenomena known as memory consolidation.

The reason is this: the information transferred through entropic resonances is a critical component of psychic health. This occurs in the unconscious mind both during waking and sleeping states. Dreams occur as the mind transfers data from what can be thought of as temporary storage to long-term memory, a phenomena known as memory consolidation. The dreams themselves are the impressions of this information upon the individual’s unconscious mind.

This data transfer is strongly influenced by the individual’s magnetic tripole, resulting in changes in dream patterns. These changes influence the types of dreams the individual has–percent foretelling of the future, random mundane actions or even bizarre dreams of the individual, his or her mother and Cornelius from The Planet of the Apes. Remember: the information transferred through entropic resonances comes from other individuals as well as from the individual’s own past, present and future. This results in the wide range of highly personal and non-personal dreams.

Energy Equilibrium and Mental Health

One subtle fact about dreams is that EEG scans of test subjects have shown that there is a definite thermodynamic equilibrium between the energies of the conscious and unconscious states. When one state becomes overwhelmed, mental breakdown begins to occur. A prime example of this can be found in sleep deprivation. Many forms of psychosis are directly related to this psychic thermodynamic imbalance.

But by far the most important discovery about dreams and entropic resonances is that when certain quantum entanglement situations occur, a very realistic dream state can be induced–sometimes with no distinction between the waking and dreaming state by the individual. Known as "lucid dreaming" this state is caused when the harmonics of the energy being transferred through entropic resonances reach certain genetically-controlled frequencies. When this occurs, an open circuit of energy flowing into the individual from the entropic energy collective forms, resulting in effects that are extremely difficult to predict.

In a much broader sense, the entropic resonances that cause dreams can be seen in what has become known as the collective unconsciousness of humanity.

Some low-level manifestations of lucid dreaming can be seen in recurring dreams, senses of deja vu or sleep walking. In higher-level cases, the individual has a feeling of being awake in the dream, and at times even interact with the dream. This in turn has led to an entire field of study about lucid dreaming and how the individual can influence his or her dreams. It must be remembered that the lucid dream state also has an extremely high level of potential energy.

The Collective Unconscious

In a much broader sense, the entropic resonances that cause dreams can be seen in what has become known as the collective unconsciousness of humanity. Jung came close in identifying his archetypes, and even more pointedly his ideas of synchronicity and "shadow selves." These constant, recurring themes reflect common information that is being processed through the entropic energy collective. In fact, it is the collective that guides all of humanity along the same pathway, which will eventually lead to the Singularity. (But that is the subject of another discussion…)

Is this bad? Is lucid dreaming bad? What can the ordinary individual do? Excellent questions. First, dreams are not bad. They are an essential feature of proper psychic well-being. They are the by-product of the very much needed memory consolidation. Second, lucid dreaming is a very good thing, and allows individuals controllable access to energy and information from the entropic energy collective.

And what can the individual do? Two things: pinpoint your Heisenberg center and improve your personal firewall. These two actions are directly related and essential to controlling dreams–and tapping into the collective. For more information on how to do this, see my published works.

Research is Not a Dream!

In the meantime, only continued research by the Center for Studies and generous contributions by members such as yourself can explore these phenomena to the extent that will accelerate the Singularity and bring humanity to where the future demands we take it. I urge you, please contact your local representative today. We only ask that you give what you can afford to, no more, no less. And remember: only you can help us make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies