This edition of The Doctor’s Notes deals with entropic resonances and their influences on climate change, also known by some as global warming.

As discussed in the past, entropic resonances are caused the transfers of energy between various quantum levels in individuals through the time spectrum, and between individuals in the form of quantum entanglements. What this transfer of energy results in is a very large pool of psychic energy when summed over a given population.

This psychic energy can also have physical manifestations in the form of anthropogenic effects. These physical manifestations mostly take the form of thermal energy which has had a significant impact on the climate change seen by the Earth in the last 100 years.

Reservoirs of Psychic Energy

Contrary to reports in some media sources, the phenomena of entropic resonances is a real, reproducible fact. These resonances in an individual’s psychic energy are caused by the harmonic fluctuations of psychic energy between that individual’s quantum levels, and through time–past and future.

Contrary to reports in some media sources, the phenomena of entropic resonances is a real, reproducible fact.

These entropic resonances also affect other individuals, leading to what is known as quantum entanglements. These interactions, both at the individual level and on the interpersonal level, when summed over a population have hysteresis effects leading to large reservoirs of psychic energy.

The Physical Effects of Psychic Energy

While this has been well documented in works previously published by the Center for Studies, a less well known phenomena is that this psychic energy can have a physical manifestation. These physical manifestations are caused by the conversion of psychic energy into other forms, typically into potential energy but thermal and kinetic energy is also possible.

The conversion generally follows the relative energy equation of E=mv2, with v equalling the speed of thought, with some loss occurs due entropy, of course. Through ground breaking research at the Center, this amount of energy transfer–and the amount of thermal energy produced–has been definitively quantified.

In fact the allowable entropic resonance energy for each nation was one of the key stipulations of the Kyoto Protocols.

Most importantly, when the thermal energy produced by entropic resonances is summed over a given population, it can result in significant heating of the environment. (In fact the allowable entropic resonance energy for each nation was one of the key stipulations of the Kyoto Protocols.) The heat produced from entropic resonances is transferred around the globe by the Jet Stream, producing complex results in areas that are very difficult to predict.

Finite element analysis performed on supercomputers at the Center have shown that due to Coriolis effects, the heating produced is greatest over areas of least population. This counterintuitive result has caused the delay in the general scientific community’s acceptance of entropic resonances affects on climate.

Help Save the Future

It is obvious. The only way to prevent a catastrophic meltdown of the environment is to lower everyone’s entropic resonances. While our population is continuing to grow, the only proven means to limit this energy is to use the techniques founded by myself at to use everyone’s Heisenberg centers to focus on limiting the energy transferred and control our environment.

Still, we have a long way to go. Research is costly, and testing the results of our findings is expensive. I urge everyone–please donate to to continue our great work here.

The future of the entire Earth depends on it. And remember: only you can help make the future a reality… today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies