This issue of The Doctor’s Notes deals with a singularly important issue: the coming contact of Humanity with an extraterrestrial species. The fascination of modern culture with aliens and contact with them is a symptom of a much deeper psychic manifestation of this important future event.

Pervasive Themes Tied To Entropic Energy Collective

Throughout much of human history, there has been the recurring theme of some kind of contact with creatures other than humans. This has been especially prevalent during the last century–particularly with the increasing knowledge of our place in the universe. The subject of aliens and alien abductions in particular is widespread and deeply rooted in our culture.

The source of cultural memes such as these can be linked conclusively to entropic resonances.

The source of cultural memes such as these can be linked conclusively to entropic resonances. As has been demonstrated at the Center for Studies, entropic resonances transfer psychic energy between individuals–and through time. These resonances, or waves if you will, of energy can also carry information with them.

Summed as a whole over a population, these resonances form what is known as the entropic energy collective. Now, there are many uses for this vast reservoir of energy, but the critical one discussed here is the ability for us to analyze and interpret the information carried with it–and make predictions based on that information.

Analysis of Collective Leads to Prediction

With the use of the massively parallel supercomputers at the Center for Studies in Norman, Oklahoma, we have been able to analyze the information coming to us through the entropic energy collective. This analysis leads us to one inescapable conclusion: Humanity will be contacted by extraterrestrials in the year 2043, +/- 4.37 years (with a 82.4% certainty factor).

This analysis leads us to one inescapable conclusion: Humanity will be contacted by extraterrestrials in the year 2043…

Extensive data analysis has shown that this contact will occur shortly after the Singularity is achieved. The breakthrough in technological development that will come from this event will allow Humanity to make contact and to interact with the advanced culture.

Singularity Will Prepare Humanity

The Singularity will be a time of immense technological change for the human race. One can only speculate whether the Singularity is the cause of First Contact or if the advancement from the Singularity allows Humanity to understand that the contact is being made. At this point, the data from the entropic energy collective is not clear.

One thing that is clear is that the advancement in technology that the Singularity provides will be of immense value when this contact is made. The societal changes that come from the Singularity–and the strengthening of our relationships with each other–will be the foundation for dealing with the actual contact with an alien race.

Preparation Is Critical

With that in mind, it is imperative that we begin preparation as soon as possible. There is much work to do, and changes to be made at all levels of our society. At, we are here to help make that happen.

Please, please contact your local representative today to learn what you can do to make this event happen. Remember: only you can help make this exciting future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies