This edition of The Doctor’s Notes deals with an increasingly complicated and critical issue: goodinfo and badinfo.

An often misunderstood concept, the idea of goodinfo and badinfo is tied to the fidelity with which information is transferred, primarily through entropic resonances. While not making moral judgments on the information itself, this concept is critical to moving forward to the Singularity.

What Is Goodinfo?

At its core, goodinfo is the term for information that is transferred with high fidelity through entropic resonances. Conversely, badinfo is information that is transferred with low fidelity. This is extremely important to everyone due to the constant flux in psychic energy that takes place in a modern world of information overload.

…the entropic resonance coherence is tied to the information uncertainty of the communication…

How is this fidelity measured? The fidelity of the information transference is a function of the coherence of the entropic resonant waves with which the information is communicated. Goodinfo is transferred with highly coherent entropic resonant waves, while badinfo has highly incoherent waves.

Quantum Decoherence & Information Loss

Keep in mind that the entropic resonance coherence is tied to the information uncertainty of the communication, and limited by the interference visibility.

Also, while goodinfo is highly adiabatic, badinfo has a high quantum decoherence, and is irreversible. The irreversibility results in information loss to the environment. This information loss is very evident in today’s world advertising and 24 hour news.

Goodinfo Increases Potential Energy

With these facts in mind, it is important to understand that goodinfo actually increases an individual’s potential energy, while badinfo lowers it. The change is because of the psychic energy transfers inherent in all entropic resonances.

It is how the energy interacts with the individual’s quantum levels that is critical to determine the coherence of the entropic resonance transfer. The information in entropic resonances affects the middle rings of the quantum levels, with appropriate effects on the quantum dilation around them.

These positive or negative effects on the individual’s quantum levels directly affects that individual’s potential energy. Thus, it is obvious goodinfo increases potential energy, while badinfo decreases it.

Effects On the Entropic Energy Collective

On a side note, it is also worth noting the effects of badinfo on the entropic energy collective. With goodinfo increasing potential energy and badinfo decreasing it, there is a corresponding effect on the summation of that energy flux as a whole for all of Humanity.

As the sheer amount of information transferred increases, coupled with the need for high potential energy, badinfo is simply not an option.

While a net zero-sum might be seen for a given population, two factors are at work here: the ever increasing population of Humanity and the exponentially increasing amount of information being transferred as Humanity marches towards the Singularity. Both factors will significantly increase the need for goodinfo over badinfo as time goes on.

Goodinfo Needed to Achieve the Singularity

In fact, it is hyper-critical that goodinfo is utilized wherever possible to achieve the Singularity. As the sheer amount of information transferred increases, coupled with the need for high potential energy, badinfo is simply not an option.

To help meet that need, it has been demonstrated that advanced languages–human, or more importantly, machine– are a must to elevate the coherence levels in goodinfo and insure the Singularity is achieved.

Personal Firewalls Filter Badinfo

What can individuals do? Simple: use their personal firewall to filter out badinfo. By improving their personal firewalls, individuals can learn to filter out badinfo in increasingly more efficient ways. This can have a tremendous benefit to them–and to us all.

By improving their personal firewalls, individuals can learn to filter out badinfo in increasingly more efficient ways.

The reason personal firewalls are critical to filtering badinfo is the way they inherently reduce decoherence in their quantum packet state manipulations. In focusing on their Heisenberg centers, individuals can magnify this ability with the corresponding improvements.

Psychological Noise and Hiveminds

Still, the problem is that badinfo causes psychological noise, as well as lowering potential energy. This noise has further detrimental effects on the individual psyche and mental health. (For more information about these effects, see the published works).

Some have argued that psychic arrangements like hive minds will solve this problem. While tempting, this is simply not the case. While a hive mind arrangement will quite obviously reduce psychological noise, the drawbacks to the hive mind overall preclude this from being implemented.

Help Us Help You

With all of these factors to consider, including the importance of the Singularity, it is imperative that a better understanding of goodinfo/badinfo is developed–and how to improve personal firewalls to deal with them.

Only you can help us at the Center for Studies perform this critical research, and pass the deeper understanding on to you. Please, contact your local representative today. Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies