This issue of The Doctor’s Notes deals with the effects of harmonics in entropic resonances.

As we have discussed previously, an individual’s psychic energy fluctuates between his or her quantum energy levels, other individuals and through time. This fluctuation is known as entropic resonance. A less well known fact is that these fluctuations tend to behave with harmonic characteristics.

The harmonic oscillations of an individual’s entropic resonances can lead to behavioral changes exhibited through extreme emotions–love, anger, fear. Through the techniques taught at the Center for Studies, dampening of these harmonics is possible. In other words, an individual can learn to control his or her emotions and focus their being in a deliberate, controlled manner.

All Energy Resides In Discrete States

As with nuclear physics, it was found very early on that psychic energy exists in discrete states, known as quantum levels. These "shells" behave as waves of energy, with certain, identifiable frequencies. The various energy levels and frequencies that the quantum levels possess display themselves in various emotions that an individual will "feel."

As psychic energy is transferred between the quantum levels, in all time states–past, current and future–and between other individuals, the entropic resonances vibrate at certain harmonic frequencies as well. These harmonic oscillations will show definite, predictable peaks and valleys in conjunction with the natural frequencies of the entropic resonance.

When xenharmonic frequencies occur, quantum entanglements occur.

When xenharmonic frequencies occur, quantum entanglements occur. Quantum entanglements are resonant states between sympathetic individuals. The energy that is flowing in harmonic waves between the individuals can be visualized as a shell of energy between the quantum levels of both individuals. These "brain clouds" are the basic cause of relationships between sentient individuals, leading to all strong emotions–love, friendship, hatred.

The higher the xenharmonic frequency, displayed in the natural frequency of the entropic resonance, the stronger the emotion. Also, the sign (positive or negative) of the inverse function of the wave model determines whether the emotion is beneficial (love, friendship) or harmful (anger, hatred).

Wave Functions

When this behavior is coupled with the fact that potential energy acts as a forcing function in determining the natural frequency of quantum levels, it can naturally be derived that potential energy is a driving force in determining psychic velocity.

As with any wave function, the frequency is determined by the forcing function. The greater the energy available to be invested into the system as a whole, the greater the available frequency range. Individuals with higher potential energy demonstrate stronger emotions–and can have greater control over them. Of course, this behavior can be approximated in a non-Fourier series.

Because entropic resonances exhibit harmonic oscillations, harmonic dampening of these entropic resonances improves the control of the individual’s personal firewall as well.

All of which leads inexorably to the conclusion that an individual’s control of their Heisenberg center has a direct influence on their emotions and even the world around them. At the core of any individual’s psychic being is his or her Heisenberg center. Control of the Heisenberg center affects the frequencies of the individual’s quantum levels, and therefore entropic resonances.

Because entropic resonances exhibit harmonic oscillations, harmonic dampening of these entropic resonances improves the control of the individual’s personal firewall as well. Heisenberg centers also exist at certain genetically determined fundamental frequencies, and have a direct tie to quantum levels and their entropic resonances.

With control of the Heisenberg center, an individual can not only control themselves but also the way the world around them affects them–and even turn it around and influence that very world, even through time. See previous Doctor’s Notes for discussions about the effects of entropic resonances at a macro-level.

The Only True Mental System

While much of these insights have been discovered by researchers across the globe, it was only here at that a full integration of these technologies has been accomplished. This synthesis of concepts, coupled with research and experiments performed at the Center, has led to the only true Mental System available. is truly the key for us all to take ownership of ourselves and the world around us.

Still, this research is not free, nor inexpensive. Only through the continued support of generous members such as yourself can we continue to make the strides we have. I urge you, please contact your local engeneticsorg representative to see how you can help.

Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today. Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies