This edition of The Doctor’s discusses a very important, yet sublime, issue: how perturbations in the entropic energy collective will affect everyone, including you.

As all educated individuals know, entropic resonances transfer psychic energy between individuals and through time. Summed as a whole, this energy forms a vast pool of energy, in what has been termed the "entropic energy collective." Not only does this pool of energy have the potential to affect everyone’s life through shared psychic energy, but it also has enormous potential as a predictive tool for future events.

What Are We Talking About?

It has long been established that entropic resonances are a phenomenon that transfers energy between individuals by altering their psychic quantum levels. This energy transfer happens on a daily basis as individuals interact with each other. It has also been well understood that entropic resonances transfer energy through time–from the past to the present, as well as the future. This is a critical fact.

…it was only within the last decade that technology has been developed that can measure the collective at a sufficient resolution to map small perturbations in the energy waves as well as the large macro-waves.

Another important facet of entropic resonances is that they have spin properties as part of their particle-like behavior. This imparts information during the energy transfer. This is another critical fact that was documented extensively by Omni magazine during the mid-1980s.

All of these factors combine to provide a coherent picture of the energy that is being transferred between entire populations, both in the present between individuals… and through time. When the energy in the individual entropic resonances is summed as a whole for a population, a huge amount of energy is produced. This pool of energy is known as the entropic energy collective.

While the discovery of the entropic energy collective has been well documented, it was only within the last decade that technology has been developed that can measure the collective at a sufficient resolution to map small perturbations in the energy waves as well as the large macro-waves. By measuring these perturbations, we have been able to confirm a number of theoretical predictions about how the collective works, as well as decode the mass of information found in the perturbations.

How Does This Affect You Daily?

The first critical implication from these discoveries is that the individual is biologically and mentally affected by the entropic energy collective. Because the collective is a sum of the individual entropic resonances over a population, variations in the collective have direct impacts on the psychic energy levels of individuals within that population. Not only are there definite, measurable impacts on the biological thermodynamics of the individual, but there are also emotional impacts due to the changes in energy levels of the individual’s quantum levels.

Keep in mind that by doing this you can not only improve your physical well-being, but also your emotional state as well.

Through the use of psychodynamic psychology and techniques developed at the Center by myself and my crack team of scientists, the effects of perturbations in the entropic energy collective can be measured and influenced. Due to the linked nature of quantum levels and the perceived biological energy levels of the individual, neither can be evaluated separately. Extensive research has proven that these phenomenon must be considered together.

With this in mind, the single most important method you can use to control how the entropic energy collective affects you is by managing your personal firewall appropriately. By leveraging the needed filters, you can block out the negative energy from the collective, whole tapping into the positive energy for your own uses. Keep in mind that by doing this you can not only improve your physical well-being, but also your emotional state as well.

How Does This Affect Your Future?

The second critical implication from these discoveries is that the information found in the entropic energy collective can be used to make predictions about future events. Because entropic resonances convey information at a micro level, the collective also imparts information at the macro levels as well.

This information, while not event-specific, is critical in determining the appropriate timing of events that are forecast through other means. This is a direct outcome of the static analysis that is performed at the Center.

A good example of this ability is the prediction that I made in 2000 that there would be a severe economic collapse in the world economy between 2007 and 2009. This prediction was based on economic models formulated at the Center–but also on entropic energy collective measurements of increased negative energy levels rooted in the 2008 time period. In other words, the collective told us that something bad was going to happen (and when) and many people would be severely stressed by it, but other indicators isolated the source of the problem.

How does this affect you? By providing the invaluable service of identifying critical events in the future, the Center for Studies will allow you as an individual to better understand the world around you–and to prepare for what the future may hold. The inevitability of the extrapolation of the future from analysis of past events is well documented.

How Can You Help?

The benefits of the predictive research performed at the Center as well as the psychodynamic techniques developed there are available to all humanity. Still, there is much more work to be done.

This research, plus the continued operation of the the Center and other offices worldwide, requires funding from individuals such as you to continue. If you wish to help us move humanity towards the future, while improving the living conditions of the world today, please contact your local representative immediately.

After all, only you can help make the future a reality–today. Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies