This issue of The Doctor’s Notes explains a critical method in improving your psychic mental well-being: improving your family relationships.

Quite obviously, family relationships are paramount in everyone’s mental health. At, though, scientific study has developed proven methods for improving those relationships and building the foundation for your long-term psychic health.

As with building a house, proper psychic health begins with a solid foundation. This is accomplished through strong psychic bonds with close family members. Only after that is done, can remaining growth take place.

Family Relationships: Everyone Has Them

Keep in mind that "family relationships" can have a broad definition. The ideal arrangement would be close biologically-related individuals who provide a positive, nurturing environment. It can also be close friends or other individuals who provide the same benefit as related individuals.

The critical item to keep in mind is the benefit of the people close to you.

The critical item to keep in mind is the benefit of the people close to you. The energy that flows between members of this close-knit grouping has profound impacts on the mental health of them all.

Quantum Entanglement Manifestations

Another important fact is that these relationships are really nothing more than quantum entanglements, given visible form. When the entropic resonances in the relationship takes on a xenharmonic waveform pattern, a quantum entanglement has been formed.

This spin information can have far-reaching impacts not only the individuals involved, but those around them as well.

These "QEs" as they are known, can have positive or negative aspects, depending on the spin of the information contained. This spin information can have far-reaching impacts not only the individuals involved, but those around them as well.

Quantum entanglements are also much stronger than in what can be seen as a casual acquaintance because the energy bound is anchored in the quantum levels of both individuals. This makes them much more difficult to break.

Personal Firewalls Are the Best Defense

How can individuals use this information? Simple: personal firewalls are not only a critical tool, but simply the only defense in limiting negative influences from quantum entanglements and reinforcing positive ones. research has proven in numerous experiments that this is the case [Darcy, 2001 & Pennington, 2004].

Because the personal firewall controls the energy that is being transferred–and the information it contains–it is the first line of defense when manipulating quantum levels. Simply put, each individual must have absolute mastery of their personal firewall to have proper mental health.

Tuning Entropic Resonances

Without control of their personal firewalls, individuals will be at significant risk of losing control of the entropic resonances that form the basis of their relationships. Positive relationships will falter and crumble, while negative ones will spiral out of control and consume more and more mental energy.

This reduces the total amplitude of the energy transferred, thereby leading to better mental health.

Each individual must use their personal firewall to actively manage these entropic resonances, and in effect, tune them. By adjusting the upper reaches of the quantum levels (through the personal firewall) the individual limits the negative energy waves and reinforces positive ones. This reduces the total amplitude of the energy transferred, thereby leading to better relationships and mental health.

Additional Research Is the Critical

While this information is simply common knowledge to those well educated and trained in the science of, there is still much more to learn. Until all of the secrets of entropic resonances and quantum entanglements are unlocked, we must continue with our efforts.

I strongly urge everyone to contact their local representative today to see how you can help. Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies