This edition of The Doctor’s Notes expands on an important point, that human beings are entropy conversion devices. This commonly misunderstood concept demonstrates that humans really operate much more closely to mechanical systems than normally believed.

Entropy Is Everywhere

To understand this issue, one must understand entropy. In short, entropy is a measurement of chaos energy in a system. Entropy can be found in all systems, including biological and information systems, as well as mechanical ones.

As all adherents of know, entropy can also be found in psychic energy systems. This manifests itself in quantum levels and in the energy that is transferred between individuals and through time: entropic resonances.

Conversions Are Reversible–Sometimes

Another item to understand is that energy can be transferred or converted between systems–or individuals. These conversions and transfers can be modeled in an adiabatic manner, meaning they are reversible.

…this takes the form of confusion, uncertainty or other ambiguous emotions.

In reality, though, there is a measurable amount of entropy that creeps into that "system." When that happens, there is some loss to the system, usually in the form of heat. In humans, this takes the form of confusion, uncertainty or other ambiguous emotions.

Economic Theory and Work

At the same time, established economic theory can accurately predict the level of work that can be produced by a given population. The entropy produced by this system (represented by the subject population) can be significant.

It was not until the advent of that the effect of this entropy on the human population could be fully understood. The entropy that is produced by the population can be found in the entropic resonances between the individuals in that population.

The effect of these entropic resonances has been established at the Center for Studies. For more information, see my published works. The important thing to remember is that these effects are caused by the work produced by the population.

Entropy Conversion For Humans Is High

At its core though, the system of human interactions is an information one. While humans are obviously biological systems in themselves, due to the nature of entropic resonances, the system of information transfer is far more critical.

The most important of these is our ability to use our Heisenberg centers to control our quantum levels…

Within that information system, for humans the energy–and entropy–is extremely high. There is still residual loss due to imperfect information transfer in the entropic resonance, but the fidelity is surprisingly high.

Why Do Humans Mimic Machines?

So… what does this mean? Are humans robots? Do we have no control over our own minds? The answer to these questions is an emphatic NO.

Humans mimic machines in many ways, particularly in how efficient we are in converting entropy during information transfers. In this manner, we truly are entropy conversion machines.

But in many ways, humans are distinctly different from machines. The most important of these is our ability to use our Heisenberg centers to control our quantum levels, and therefore our entropic resonant energies. It is this self-awareness that sets us apart from simple machines.

What Can We Do?

While we have learned much at the Center, there is still a long path to travel. Much research is needed to help Humanity by learning more about entropic resonances and the true nature of intelligence and self-awareness.

Contact your local representative today to find out how you can help. Remember: Only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies