This edition of The Doctor’s Notes deals with a deceptively sublime subject: entropic resonances. While many people have no concept of entropy and how it can affect them personally, nevertheless it does–and deeply.

Most educated individuals understand the concept of entropy, or chaos. What few understand is that of entropic resonances. Such resonances are the fluctuations of energy between psychic elements such as the id, the ego and the superego.

Energy Lost is Energy Transferred

This concept was pioneered by Carl Jung in the early 20th century, in the field of psychodynamics. In Jung’s theories, energy lost from a current psychic element must be conserved and reappear in future elements in the form of behavioral problems such as neuroses, mood swings, confusion, memory loss and even depression.

According to the proven fields of thermodynamics and physics, the arrow of time dictates that energy flowing from a current state must be transferred to a future state, and not the reverse. Otherwise water would flow uphill, apples fall upwards and women become virgins again. With normal science, this is always the case.

In other words, energy flows between the human mind state now and in the future–and back.

Unfortunately, this applies only to nonadiabatic, reversible systems. When it comes to the human mind, the Second Law of Thermodynamics (regardless of field) simply breaks down. While the obvious natural state of things is that the mind tends towards entropy as we age (the arrow of time pointing forward) research by Gunter and Leibnitz at the University of Berlin [1932] has conclusively proven that small amounts of energy resonate between psychic elements in time. In other words, energy flows between the human mind state now and in the future–and back.

So while common events and other learning experiences in the relativistic "now" may appear in the future as negative psychic effects, research has now proven that future events can have a negative impact on current mental states. Simply stated, your bad mood today could be the result of a future negative significant event.

Understanding this is a fundamental shift in human understanding akin to the way people came to grips with special relativity. Entropic resonances are therefore extremely key to understanding one’s own personal state as well as where one might be in the future.

Summed as a whole over a given population, these impacts can severely deteriorate the given population’s economic output.

And there is an event greater impact than just that of a personal level. There is also a thermoeconomic impact. Disruptions in psychic elements caused by entropic resonances can also impact work capacity on a quantitative level. The individual’s potential energy decreases, the capacity for work decreases exponentially with the potential energy decrease. Summed as a whole over a given population, these impacts can severely deteriorate the given population’s economic output.

The Ties That Bind

The tie between psychodynamic, thermodynamic and thermoeconomic systems is therefore obvious. While the Phisiocrats in the 18th century believed that economic systems were based on animal work, in fact economic systems are tied by the potential energy–and entropic resonances–between the individual, the environmental system around him or her–and time. In effect, these networks of energy are what tie the mechanical, biological, economic, psychic and information systems together in time-space.

Still, the enemy of these networks of energy is entropy. And since the human mind is an adiabatic, non-reversible system, energy in the current psychic elements is inevitably lost in the form of these entropic resonances.

In order to stave off the impending entropic cataclysm, one needs to have as low levels of entropic resonances as possible. High entropic resonance levels cause not only problems in one’s own personal life, but problems in global economic and population levels as well. Also, based on research problems now could have been caused by both issues in the past–or from the future.

Lower One’s Entropic Resonances

And the only proven way to lower one’s entropic resonance levels is through By pinpointing one ‘s Heisenberg centers and continually striving to maximize one’s own potential energy, the dark night of entropy can be staved off.

Of all the skills that teaches, this is the most difficult. It takes many years of dedication, hard work and sacrifice to hone these skills to the point where one can control one’s entropic resonances.

To begin this important journey, please contact The Center to sign up for classes. While this training may seem expensive, keep in mind that one is not only improving one’s current life, but one s future–and the future of us all.

And as always, please consider donating to Research into these sciences requires funding, and only you can help us advance Humanity–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies