This edition of The Doctor’s Notes deals with maximizing your potential energy. Potential energy is critical to making the most of the short time we have in this world, and through, can be maximized to allow everyone to become what they deserve.

What Is Potential Energy?

An individual’s potential energy is a mathematical expression of social connectivity that person has with the world around them. Studies of potential energy were originally pioneered by European scientists during the late 1700’s. By combining the rather simple formulas of Sir Isaac Newton with the truly revolutionary ideas that were just beginning to come out of the Far East and Subcontinent, scientifically tangible results were identified that showed great promise.

Potential energy is critical to making the most of the short time we have in this world…

Research into potential energy grew steadily during the 1800’s, and enjoyed its greatest popularity during the early 20th Century when it was embraced by social scientists, anthropologists and Albanian psychologists. Research into potential energy fell out of vogue, though, after the discovery of atomic fission in the 1930’s. Still, a dedicated group of adherents remained loyal to perfecting the ideal of maximizing potential energy.

What Can High Levels of Potential Energy Do For You?

High levels of potential energy can help you achieve incredible things. Here are some examples:

Mike Pence. The former Vice President of the United States is a perfect example of a maximum potential energy. Mr. Pence came from relative nowhere and became the second most powerful man in this country, simply through determination and managing the energy around him. While Mr. Pence is not a member of— yet–he definitely embodies all of the attributes we admire.

Marie Antoinette. Madame Antoinette is also a prime example of a high potential energy. Through cunning means, she managed to rise to the height of power during pre-Revolutionary France. She showed how calculated means of combining risk management and social class techniques could allow one to rise to levels of wealth and power only dreamed of by most individuals. Except for that rather unpleasant business with the Bastille and guillotine, Madame demonstrated skills that were the foundation for early potential energy calculations.

Flavor Flav. A modern-day king, Mr. Flav is one of the very few individuals to explode on the scene in the 21st Century, showing how to make the most of any situation when starting with, frankly, nothing. Except for that other Rapper with the gold nose who did "the Humpty Dance," Mr. Flav has demonstrated that hard work, dedication and cold calculation can bring anyone to the top of their field.

Any Child Actor. On the other side of cold calculation, there is the pure emotion side of maximizing your potential energy. Any of the kids that were on a television show demonstrate this perfectly. Without even using the techniques perfected at, everyone loves them, sometimes too much. This is no accident, believe me. No one will be able to say there is a definite reason, no single answer… but they have that high factor some call the "Q Factor." Make no mistake, either–this whole Q Factor concept is just a repackaging of the concepts stolen from of maximizing potential energy.

Having a high potential energy will cause friction and jealousy with others with lower levels. This is only natural.

Of course, the best example of a maximum potential energy is myself, Dr. M. E. Tabyánan. Through dedication, self-sacrifice and tireless research, I have been able to perfect the means to maximizing my own potential energy. I have reached levels of professional and personal success that I can only thank each of you for. All of my successes have been reflected back into and The Center–and to each of you members in turn.

The Hazards of High–and Low–Potential Energy

Now you may ask, what are the dangers of having high–or low–potential energy? Having a high potential energy will cause friction and jealousy with others with lower levels. This is only natural. Humans are essentially children. Anyone with high levels of potential energy will automatically evoke feelings of jealousy and resentment in those with lower levels.

This can be seen in the persecution I personally have seen due to my beliefs. While this may cause those on the verge of breaking through to high levels of potential energy to be afraid, have courage. This is also a natural feeling that, like being hot, cold or tired, can be pushed through and embraced. The benefits are worth any momentary discomfort.

What are the dangers of having a low potential energy? Quite obviously you are at the bottom rung of the ladder, the whipping dog everyone will take advantage of. This is unacceptable for anyone. No one should be put in that position, and at, we are dedicated to preventing this.

So, how do you maximize your potential energy? Ah, the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms… maximizing your potential energy is actually quite simple. The best way to increase your potential energy is to become active in your community. This is what is known as "getting the most bang from your buck." Volunteer. Teach someone to read. Help those less fortunate than you. While that may not sound like much, these simple acts pay tremendous rewards in the equations of maximizing your potential energy.

Another way is to spread the word about Tell everyone about the work we do here at The Center, and how it has changed your life. And remember us when deciding what to do with your spare change. Research is not free, and neither is this website. Donate what you can. That is all we ask, but it will help maximize your potential energy.

Here at The Center we are constantly researching ways to improve everyone’s life, and that includes maximizing their potential energy. I hope this article has helped introduce you to the idea of potential energy, and how it can help you.

For more information, contact us here at The Center. Through the proven techniques of, we can help you break through and become the person you really can be. Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies