This edition of Doctor’s Notes deals with a topic that is on everyone’s mind: sustainability.

Everyone is talking these days about sustainability, climate change and global warming. What many do not realize that the collective psychic energy from large populations is a vast reserve of renewable energy that individuals can draw from and use at will.

By tapping into the psychic energy found in the entropic resonances within the population, individuals can tap energy that flows both between the individuals in the present and back and forth through time. This huge energy store is therefore the ultimate renewable source of energy for the human race.

The Race For Sustainability

Throughout the 20th Century numerous scientists and psychologists researched the question of psychic energy exhibited by all humans. In 1932, Johnson and Defrees proved that human mental states contain energy in discrete levels, which became known as "quantum states." The energy contained in these various states determines an individual’s mental state–their mood, if you will. It also determines the energy level within their physical bodies as well.

What most people–even most scientists–do not understand is that this vast pool of energy can be drawn from by individuals.

Experiments also proved that the psychic energy in individual’s quantum levels also flows between different individuals. In addition, this energy flows back and forth through time, both from the future and the past. This energy flow is known as entropic resonances. The energy that is transferred between individuals and through time, when summed over a population, can be enormous.

What most people–even most scientists–do not understand is that this vast pool of energy can be drawn from by individuals. Even though the Second Law of Thermodynamics still applies within psychodynamics, the energy that can be gained by the individual is still quite significant. While the exact kinetics of the transfer of psychic energy between individuals and the "entropic energy collective" is still not fully understood, its presence has been definitively documented throughout the 70s and 80s.

Human Power, Not Earth Power

One of the reasons that drawing energy from the entropic energy collective is so attractive is that the energy comes from other humans, and not only in the present but also the future and past. This makes it the ultimate renewable energy source for sustainability of the mental and physical health of the human race.

While negative events in the past and future act as energy sinks for individuals or small groups on a localized level (e.g., World War II) the majority of humans generate enough positive energy as a whole to fuel extremely high energy levels. Only if some catastrophic event occurred that led to a mass extinction would the entropic energy collective be depleted. (That is another issue entirely).

This makes it the ultimate renewable energy source for sustainability of the mental and physical health of the human race.

Another reason for pursuing understanding of the entropic energy collective is the goal of accelerating the arrival of the Singularity. The coming of the Singularity is not only a discrete point in time (the Omega Point) but also a process for bringing about the future of the human race. Part of this process is the development of technologies to improve the human condition, as well as artificial intelligences.

To that end, more fully understanding the kinetics of drawing–and feeding–the entropic energy collective is a critical step to taking humanity to the level where we can archive integration with the post-Human 1.0 world. This is a perfect compliment for the need to meet increasing demands for sustainable, physical energy sources.

Embrace the Future–Support Our Research

To this end, is a leader in world research. While the Singularity is a goal in itself, how we as a species get there is also just as important. Finding and utilizing a sustainable psychic energy source that can help humanity’s mental and physical well-being–and that can be used to drive progress in the natural world as well is paramount.

Still, research in this area is not without costs. Only you can help us achieve these goals. Only you can help us bring about the inevitable future of this world–today.

Contact your local representative to find out how. Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies