This edition of The Doctor’s Notes deals with psychic quantum levels and how they interact with your Heisenberg centers.

It is a well documented scientific fact that human mental or psychic states exist in discrete energy levels. These levels, or quantum, of energy have distinct characteristics and can be manipulated through the use of an individual’s Heisenberg center.

Quantum States & Emotions

Johnson and Defrees at the Paris Institute (1932) performed experiments that decisively demonstrated that mental states exhibit definite discrete levels of psychic energy. It was left to a team lead by Glockson at Cal Tech (1956) to identify and measure what those levels were–and what their characteristics are. These "quantum states" demonstrate the wave-particle duality that is also found in other scientific fields.

These quantum states of the human mind by their nature can affect an individual’s social interactions and mental wellness. The effects of the various quantum states manifest themselves in different moods and mental states.

For example, states of depression are characteristic of low energy quantum states, while anger is characteristic of higher quantum levels. As common sense would tell anyone, a person’s mood is affected by many factors including diet, physical environment and the interactions with others.

…certain quantum states can produce resonant energies in sympathetic individuals, causing… ‘quantum entanglements’.

In particular, interactions with others affect the quantum state of an individual. Every interaction with other individuals has an impact with the quantum state due to the interaction of the energy levels between the individuals. This interaction of energy levels between people is an extremely complex and dynamic flux.

In some cases, positive interactions can produce an increase of certain quantum levels producing moods such as happiness, excitement or what is called love. It is very interesting that certain quantum states can produce resonant energies in sympathetic individuals, causing what was termed by Adams and Maxwell as "quantum entanglements" (1962).

Quantum entanglements are the basic cause for relationships among human beings, from friendships to love… and to hatreds. Quantum entanglements produce shells of energy between the individuals which can be visualized as clouds of quantum energy. These "brain clouds" are physical manifestations of what historically have been considered as simple emotions.

Quantum States Are Tied To Potential Energy

The fluctuations between quantum states in an individual and that of others are also directly affected by the entropic resonances of both individuals. During ground breaking research performed at the University of Idaho during the 1970s, Zafrim determined that there is a definite change in the potential energy of an individual as there are changes between different quantum states.

This change is very small and difficult to measure, but definitely there. These changes in potential energy are also not permanent, demonstrating elastic behavior in the potential energy of an individual as the quantum states change.

This is why an individual’s basic personality does not appreciably change (elastic strain) except under extreme circumstances (plastic strain). It takes large amounts of energy (extreme events) to produce the psychic strain needed to enter the plastic region and produce lasting changes in the quantum states of an individual.

By the pinpointing and manipulation of the individual’s Heisenberg center, the so-called moods and emotions of the individual can be altered to provide any desired result.

Through meta-analysis at, these mental quantum states are mathematically quantifiable–and controllable. These quantum states follow wave functions as different states are entered and exited.

Through the use of very sensitive EEG equipment, these wave functions can be predicted and the equations solved as different states occur. In other words, thoughts can be determined. Where items can be empirically measured, determined and predicted, they can be controlled.

By the pinpointing and manipulation of the individual’s Heisenberg center, the so-called moods and emotions of the individual can be altered to provide any desired result. For example, if a person feels fear, courage can be produced. Or if the person feels anger, calm.

Unlock Your Potential

But do not be fooled by other examples of pseudoscience. has proven that quantum states can be controlled through the use of Heisenberg centers. These super-psychic states an be used to help you unlock the potentials hidden in all of us.

But more work needs to be done. Only through continued donations to can we complete the work needed to finalize the ability to use these quantum states to the utmost. Here at the Center, we are dedicated to improving the lives of all of us, and this includes the complex scientific work needed, such as that into quantum levels.

Only through the maximization of your potential energy can you unlock your future, and is here to help you. Contact your representative today–the future demands it! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies