This edition of The Doctor’s Notes explains how decaying psychic energy is responsible for fading emotions in your life.

Psychic Energy and Quantum Levels

As all enlightened individuals know, psychic energy is arranged in the human mind in a series of quantum levels. This has been proven through exhaustive research at the Center for Studies.

The arrangement of an individual’s psychic energy in the quantum levels at any given time leads to the manifestation of what unenlightened persons might call "emotions" or "moods." Most people go through their lives never considering how these emotions come to be, or even that they can be controlled through scientific means. What they do see is their outward manifestations in their lives.

Most people go through their lives never considering how these emotions come to be, or even that they can be controlled through scientific means…

Coupled with this arrangement of psychic energy into quantum levels, is the degradation of biothermodynamic energy in the individual. Psychic energy is produced by each cell in the human body, which then populates that individual’s quantum levels.

The degradation is caused by the decay of cells over time, and the loss in the energy they provide. The Second Law of Thermodynamics also drives this decay, as Entropy sets into the system as a whole. These two forcing functions drive the slow loss of psychic energy in everyone.

Fading Emotions Are Caused By Decay, Lower Energy

This loss in psychic energy at the quantum level leads to emotions appearing to fade over time. The apparent "fading" is really the outward appearance of the quantum levels shifting in their configurations. The energy of the quantum levels becomes non-sustainable over time, leading to shifts in their configurations.

With lower energy levels in the individual’s psychic system, as defined by the body as a whole and its mental state, these emotions become less intense, and come to mean less to the individual. For example, anger gives way to apathy, love changes to a comfortable friendship, and so on.

This change can be especially apparent in the case of grief or loss. The old saw "time heals all wounds" really is scientifically true: the decay of psychic energy over time causes the change in quantum level configurations. This is quite simple and obvious, actually.

What people may see as "distance" is really just a loss in the psychic energy that held the appearance of emotions in place. As that energy bleeds away, those emotions simply appear to fade.

Positive Quantum Entanglements Increase Potential Energy

But how can these emotions be reinforced, and kept up to desired levels? This can be accomplished through the use of positive quantum entanglements, or +QE. Quantum entanglements occur when the entropic resonances of two or more individuals become linked, and exchange psychic energy between their quantum levels.

Energy can be exchanged through increases or decreases for the individual. Positive quantum entanglements provide psychic energy into an individual’s system. On the other hand, negative quantum entanglements remove that energy from the system.

Positive quantum entanglements, though, provide an exchange of psychic energy can gives a much-needed energy boost into the individual’s mental system as a whole.

All of these forms of interacting with others provide large amounts of positive psychic energy.

Positive quantum entanglements include relationships such as romantic relationships, strong friendships and solid familial bonds. All of these forms of interacting with others provide large amounts of positive psychic energy. This energy in turn stabilizes the individual’s quantum levels, and prevents psychic decay.

This stabilization has also been proven in the laboratories of the Center for Studies. Through exhaustive research and human trials, it has been proven without a doubt that positive quantum entanglements provide absolute benefits for individuals, and help maintain strong, positive emotions and emotional states.

How You Can Help

Still, there is much to learn. Many of the models we use at the Center must need constantly reinforced with human testing–artificial intelligence can only get us so far. That is why we need your help.

Please, please, contact your local representative today to see how you can help. Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies