This edition of The Doctor’s Notes explores a critical, but misunderstood component of The relationships between quantum energy states and entropic resonances.

As most people know, quantum states or levels are how psychic energy manifests itself through the human mind, leading to emotional states. Educated people also understand that entropic resonances also affect individual’s mental energy levels. What most people do not grasp fully is how the two phenomena are related, and how to control them. That is where comes in.

Quantum Shells Manifest In Emotions

As far back as 1932, Johnson and Defrees at the Paris Institute demonstrated that various mental states exhibit discrete psychic energy levels. These levels or "shells" if you will, became known as quantum levels. These quantum levels demonstrate a number of common properties, including that of wave-particle duality, magnetic moments and wave spin.

Depending on these and other factors, quantum levels are reflected in the physical world as "emotions" or "moods." While the exact shape of these quantum levels is still being modeled, it must not be confused with the paranormal phenomena of auras. Auras are an example of discredited, non-proven psuedoscience. Quantum levels are proven, scientific fact.

This is demonstrated by their ability to show plastic behavior, or the ability to change to a certain point, then change back to their original point without the loss of energy or permanent deformation…

One lesser known fact about quantum levels is their plastic behavior. Evidence from empirical testing performed at both the Center and at the University of Geneva [Kyger, 2007] has begun to show that quantum levels are far more resilient than previously expected.

This is demonstrated by their ability to show plastic behavior, or the ability to change to a certain point, then change back to their original point without the loss of energy or permanent deformation (inelastic behavior). This has a number of sublime implications for behavioral sciences. A more significant implication is that of using the psychic energy stored in quantum levels as an alternative energy source through tapping into the entropic energy collective.

Functions Through Time

Another feature of quantum levels is their ability to be altered by entropic resonances. Entropic resonances, as everyone knows, are the variations and transference of energy between individual’s quantum levels–and back and forth through time. While higher levels of entropic resonances is generally to be avoided, a controlled transference of energy between quantum states is a highly desired condition.

The mechanisms for the flow of psychic energy through entropic resonances into and from quantum levels has only recently been more fully understood in detail. The problem is approximating the human psyche as an adiabatic, non-reversible system. As energy is transferred, entropy drives the loss of energy in the form of both heat and through a dissonance of self-awareness.

As high-end modeling has now demonstrated, the human mind does not interact with its surroundings in a strictly adiabatic manner. This tends to lead to effects that are very difficult to predict at any given point in time.

It is therefore obvious that the effect of entropic resonances on quantum levels can be approximated closely by third order differential, non-linear matrices, but only to a point.

It is therefore obvious that the effect of entropic resonances on quantum levels can be approximated closely by third order differential, non-linear matrices, but only to a point. When the energy transference reaches what is known as the "laminar flow region" of the quantum level, the mathematical approximation breaks down, and must be modeled differently.

In this region, the energy flow has been shown to behave in a more simple, linear manner. At this point entropy drops off severely and a much higher than expected transference of energy is achieved. When outside of the laminar flow region, a higher level of entropy is found, with a corresponding higher energy loss.

Still, entropic resonances have been shown conclusively to affect the energy levels and therefore the emotions of individuals and also groups. This energy flows between individuals and through time with wave-like properties. These "quantum waves" are the mechanism for entropic resonances to produce groupthink in populations of individuals.

Through the use of behavioral economics and cognitive science, study of quantum waves can predict even the irrational behavior of individuals and group populations. Because of the complex effects of entropy on entropic resonances, high-end supercomputers are required to model the energy transfers in order to make accurate predictions about what the outcomes of the groupthink on individuals.

Continue the Research

Luckily, these assets exist and are in use at the Center for Studies today. Through thorough research and investigation, these effects will become more fully understood.

Still, funding is needed to continue this research to its obvious and logical conclusion. If you care about the future–yours and others–contact your local representative today to learn how you can help. These studies are critical to the future of our species, and your future as well.

Please–help us help you. Donate today, and help make the future a reality… today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies