In this issue of The Doctor’s Notes, Dr. M. E. Tabyánan explores a subject that will be critical to Humanity in the coming years: the relationships between individuals and crowds.

More specifically, how psychic energy is transferred between individuals and groups, and what kinds of behavior result from that transfer.

Psychic Energy Is Everywhere

As everyone educated knows, the human mind generates psychic energy. This energy is transferred between individuals, and through time. It is everywhere, through time and permeates Humanity.

This psychic energy is transferred between individuals through what is known in the scientific community as entropic resonances. These energy transfers allow energy to flow between individuals, within groups and even back and forth through time. Their discovery was a key scientific breakthrough for Humanity.

Inherent Disconnects

What is less well known–and understood–is that there are gaps or disconnects in the energy–and information–that is transferred between the individual and the group as a whole. These disconnects are based on the scalability of the entropic resonances: the energy transfer is more efficient on the individual to individual level, but less so when transferred from an individual to a group.

Laboratory evidence has supported the theory that as psychic energy is transferred from one individual to many others, the energy required for the transfer goes up. In other words, psychic energy is easy to transfer between individuals, but is more difficult in groups. The result is a loss of entropic energy as the number of individuals grows.

With the loss of psychic energy, certain gaps appear in the information that is transferred within the crowd.

With the loss of psychic energy, certain gaps appear in the information that is transferred within the crowd. These disconnects, if you will, increase the amount of badinfo that is available in the psychological collective of the crowd. This is important, as will be seen.

So while there are disconnects in the total energy wave, that psychic energy is still transferred from individuals to others in the crowd, back and forth. Normally this energy transfer can form quantum entanglements between the individuals and the crowd as a whole. Sometimes, though, the energy can find lower pathways for transference.

Social Resonances

When this happens, what are known as "social resonances" occur. Social resonances are defined as entropic energy transfers within groups, but without the use of quantum entanglements. They are fed by the individuals’ potential energy, and can have a significant impact on the group dynamic.

One interesting aspect of social resonances is that they do not require close, personal interaction to form. Social resonances can be formed via television, the Internet… even printed media such as newspapers. The strongest bonds, though, are formed through online social media (this is where social media actually gets its name).

Weaker Ties, Higher Volume

Another fact of social resonances is that the individual energy wave amplitude is lower, but that the total amplitude of energy in the resonance can be much, much higher. In other words, the individual ties to the group are weaker than if there were quantum entanglements, but total volume of energy can be very high indeed.

Most of the original work was performed during the contentious 2000 United States Presidential Election…

This feature of social resonances has been proven in the laboratory and tested in live group situations. Most of the original work was performed during the contentious 2000 United States Presidential Election, but subsequent testing in other cases has seen the same results.

Effects of Social Resonances

What are the effects of these social resonances? Quite obviously they can lead to cases of groupthink, but they can also demonstrate cases of crowdsourcing and social macrodynamics. The individual is not as heavily invested in the group during social resonances, and is often free to come and go as he or she wills. The key is that with enough individuals supplying enough energy, the collective of the group can take on a life of its own.

In extreme cases, social resonances can lead to emergent behaviors, where the crowd demonstrates an intelligence that is not present in the individuals. While some research has shown this happening in termite colonies in Africa, humans can exhibit this behavior in a much more pronounced manner. While emergent behaviors are desired, if not required, for the Singularity, much care must be taken to avoid any potentially destructive actions. Many scientists theorize that destructive actions such as the genocidal war on Easter Island were the product of social resonances gone bad. This could always happen to Humanity in the future.

Help Before It Is Too Late

While total genocide of Humanity is a remote possibility, social resonances exhibit many positive and negative effects that must be studies further. These effects are far too important to our future to be ignored.

To do this, needs your help. I urge you to contact your local representative today, to see how you can help. Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies