This edition of The Doctor’s Notes deals with the effects of cosmic energy on mental stability. Could this be the true source of the much of the problems we all face in the world?

While it is a common wives’ tale that the full moon affects the general population’s "sanity" once each month, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that cosmic energy has a direct influence on an individual’s mental stability.

The absolute sum of this dark energy leads all of us to behave much differently than if this energy was not present.

The source of this cosmic energy is generally cosmic rays from the sun and other stars, electromagnetic energy that constantly bombards all of us every day of our lives. On a disturbing note, a growing amount of man-made source of high level electromagnetic energy is also having an influence on our minds as well. The absolute sum of this dark energy leads all of us to behave much differently than if this energy was not present.

Historical Effects of Dark Energy

Throughout history, periodic acts of group insanity can be tied directly to solar flares or other cosmic events that show high radiation levels. Even more important, if it seems that the previous century demonstrated a singularly high level of mental instability and psychosis, one would be more than right–one would be absolutely correct.

With the rise of the Industrial Age and advanced technology, especially during the 20th Century, it can be documented that the frequency of insanity or acts of psychosis has grown dramatically. And this rate of growth is much more than can be explained through simple population growth alone–there has to be an outside influence.

The bottom line is this: this dark energy affects the choices and actions we all make, every day.

The effects of cosmic energy on the human body are both dramatically spectacular and deceptively sublime. They are also cumulative over the life of the individual. The effects can manifest themselves in ways that range from the serial killings of Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer to the otherwise easily explainable belief that your cubical mate–or your husband–is plotting to take something from you. The bottom line is this: this dark energy affects the choices and actions we all make, every day.

Extreme behavior such as a mass or serial killer is obviously explainable as being influenced by cosmic energy, but what is not so obvious is the effect it has on so-called "normal" people. What in the past might be shrugged off as simple irritation or quirky behavior is in fact another manifestation of the dark energy passing through our bodies every second of every day.

The Solution:

As my semi-enlightened colleagues frequently say, admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery. They are only partially correct. Yes, identifying the problem is critical, even essential. But without an adequate solution, identification is less than meaningless.

During the previous century, there was a good deal of talk about using thin metal helmets (or THM’s) to block cosmic energy. Usually this was professed in conjunction with extraterrestrials or other sources of mind control. Based on the current body of evidence, TMH’s would have no preventative effect when dealing with aliens, and the effects on preventing mind control are only a part of the problem.

No, the problem is the total SUM of electromagnetic energy that is being directed at all of us. As was demonstrated by Gorki Sunderland at MIT (see the collected case notes at the Center) due to the parabolic shape of the human skull, TMH’s actual focus the resulting energy, causing the effects of the high energy particles to be more harmful than beneficially blocking them.

What You Can Do

Fortunately, can help. Through learning to pinpoint your Heisenberg centers and the use of personal firewalls, a trained individual can effectively "block out" the dark energy and make more rational, logical decisions.

And because this energy acts as both particles and waves, this blocking method using an individual’s Heisenberg center is most effective. While this technique works extremely well for a trained individual, only a very few can extend their blocking range to include others. So while we at the Center have come so far, there is much more to do.

But rest assured: we are close. This dark energy will continue to be an insidious menace to all of humanity until through dedicated research and development, we find the means to block it for more people. We need your generosity and support to continue this research and find the answers we so obviously need.

As always, we only ask that you donate what you are comfortable giving. Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies