This issue of The Doctor’s Notes deals with the socio-entropic dynamics of the family unit. Understanding these dynamics is critical to maintaining a healthy mental state.

An established fact is that individual’s psychic energy is contained in distinct energy configurations known as quantum levels. Another fact proven fact is that psychic energy is transferred between individuals and through time in the form of entropic resonances.

What is less well known is the effect of energy transfers within close groups of individuals, such as families. By understanding the dynamics of entropic resonances and therefore quantum entanglements, we can easily see the value of the family unit–and when it should be abandoned.

Moods, Quantum Levels–And More

During the 1930s, experiments by researchers conclusively determined that human psychic energies manifest themselves in discrete levels. This psychic energy takes shape in the form of energy shells, known as quantum levels.

These levels are very dynamic in nature, and evidence has shown that various quantum states can be tied directly to mental states. These mental states manifest themselves in what is commonly known as "moods."

In addition, the energy that is resident in individuals’ quantum levels can be transferred between individuals in what is known as entropic resonances. Entropic resonances not only transfer energy between individuals in the present, but they also transfer energy through time–to and from an individual’s past and future.

Negative quantum entanglements are likewise negative influences, which are seen in destructive relationships, strong emotions such as hatreds or the desire to listen to Justin Bieber.

The energy that is transferred exhibits wave behavior as well, with certain measurable and predictable frequencies. When the frequencies of the entropic resonances reach xenharmonic levels, quantum entanglements occur.

Entanglements of Individuals

Quantum entanglements are particularly strong entropic resonances between individuals. Outwardly, these manifest themselves as strong emotions such as love, hate, jealousy or even the way you hate the annoying way your cousin Fred smacks his lips.

While in general, quantum entanglements are not inherently good nor bad, destructive ones are best avoided. Because entropic resonances demonstrate behavior that is like particles as well as waves, they also have spin characteristics.

In turn, a quantum entanglement is positive or negative based on the spin of that entropic resonance. Positive quantum entanglements are positive influences in the individuals’ life, such as nurturing friendships and relationships. Negative quantum entanglements are likewise negative influences, which are seen in destructive relationships, strong emotions such as hatreds or the desire to listen to Justin Bieber.

As positive components of psychic well being, positive quantum entanglements, or "+QE" as they are known, provide the foundation for the family unit. While it is not completely understood how the DNA-based relationships within the family unit provide special harmonics within the entropic resonances of the individuals involved to create such strong +QEs, it has been proven that these do exist.

This energy support grid, if you will, is why the family unit is so vital.

Furthermore, these +QEs are the latticework that the family builds its structure around. Many family units develop strong bonds between their members, with fluctuating degrees of strength over time. For example, the rebellious teenager of today may be the devoted son or daughter that is the primary care giver for the parents later in life.

The bonds found in +QEs within the family unit–and more importantly, the energy that is transferred–are critical to mental health of the individuals involved. What is seen as "leaning on each other" or "providing each other support" is actually a strong transference of energy through entropic resonances. This energy support grid, if you will, is why the family unit is so vital.

The Effects of Negative Quantum Entanglements

However, in some instances, only -QEs exist. These cases are immediately obvious, with mental and physical abuse present, as well as other negative influences such as chemical dependencies or criminal activity. When such strong negative quantum entanglements exist between the members of the family unit, the drain on the psychic energy of the individuals is simply huge.

This drain on psychic energy leads to the energy support grid becoming in fact an "energy sink" that can have no productive benefit to all concerned. A change must be made. The bonds must be broken in order to return to proper mental and psychic health.

While this may seem overwhelming, especially from an individual perspective, can help. At the Center for Studies, we have been helping individuals learn to enhance their lives through the understanding of these core phenomenon. Whether as individuals or as a family unit, we provide detailed training and analysis of the individuals involved, as well as enabling deep understanding of the steps needed to overcome their issues.

More Research Is Needed

Still, further research in this area is desperately needed. Only with your financial help can we learn more about how these interactions and energies work at the quantum level.

Please contact your local representative to learn what you can do to help. Remember: only you can help make the future a reality–today! Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies