This edition of The Doctor’s Notes deals with using one’s personal firewall to block unwanted negative energy. The key to doing this is pinpointing your Heisenberg center.

We’ve all felt it: times when you feel like everyone or everything is just bringing you down, whether it is social gathering, work situation or even with loved ones. The problem isn’t you, it’s the negative energy created by those around you.

Personal firewalls are the means to block the negative energy that is generated by those… who would limit the potential that we all have.

It was scientifically proven by Dr. Carl Jung that the thoughts and emotions of those around us affect each and every one of us. The key to removing this negative energy from our lives is personal firewalls.

Personal Firewalls Block Negative Energy

The concept of personal firewalls is not a new one. In recent years it has been appropriated by the Microsoft Corporation as a way of blocking unwanted network intrusions. This was never the purpose of personal firewalls. Personal firewalls are the means to block the negative energy that is generated by those around us, those who would limit the potential that we all have.

Personal firewalls are generated through our own personal wills. While this may seem logical, it is actually counterintuitive. Computer firewalls are products created by outside companies, people who do not always have your best interest in mind. Personal firewalls are generated by you, from your own mind.

I cannot understate this fact. YOU… you have the power to control your future. YOU have the power to generate your own personal firewall, to block the negative energy generated by those around you. can show you how.

Heisenberg Centers Are the Key

One of the cornerstones of is pinpointing your Heisenberg centers. Once you do this, the world opens before you… including the generation of personal firewalls.

The use of Heisenberg centers has long been a hotly disputed issue. I personally have been ridiculed by the community of Berlin psychologists because of this belief, when in reality, this is a scientifically proven fact. The evidence is there, but those in positions of authority refuse to believe it.

Regardless, the future of humanity rests with the development of personal firewalls, through the pinpointing of your Heisenberg centers. No matter what those who would keep you down might tell you, you can block the negative energy those same people generate and achieve your dreams. The key to that future is

What can you do to reach this future? Join us at We can teach you to pinpoint your Heisenberg centers and erect your personal firewalls, and help you be the enlightened individual you should be. Ω

Dr. M. E. Tabyánan
Executive Director and Founder
The Center for Studies